
我回头率还挺高的 ,基本见到好看的人我都会回头看他们 。

I have a high rate of looking back. When I see good-looking people, I always look back at them.

不想给我点赞就算了,还说什么你是奥特曼有手套点不了 。

If you don’t want to praise me, you can’t say you’re Altman with gloves.


If a person has a pattern again, you can lend him money.


The best friend is always the purse. Once it’s thin, I’m lost.


Just now I put on my new clothes and turned around in front of my father, saying, Dad, do you have a fan? My father gave me a strange look and said: Yes, there is soup in the pot.


How many spicy bars do you have to eat to become a hot girl.


When I came home from working overtime in the evening, I saw my son’s leftovers! I was angry at that time. Why didn’t you give me a few dishes!


The exam was very good, only two subjects, liberal arts and science.


Call little sister appear frivolous, call beauty appear old-fashioned, think for a long time or female Bodhisattva more fresh and refined.


In fact, you should have become a great scientist, but you are delayed by one thing, that is, you have no brain.


Insomnia is because someone dreamed of you, so don’t be afraid of insomnia last night. It should be the person who had a nightmare all night!


The little girl who sold flowers pulled me: “big brother, buy flowers. I know you are a flower girl.”


Scientific research shows that ugly people live longer because they prefer to wear helmets when riding.


Can a girl like me be beautiful without weight?

上一篇 2022年4月25日
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