
1、I can’t help looking for you at last.Use good night instead of I really miss you.人生路,那么长,只有你是最最完美的给予。

2、With the most true of yourself,can you meet the most suitable one.人们总说时间能改变一切,但事实上我们必须靠自己去改变,自己变了 其他一切也才会变。

3、May the road ahead become narrower and narrower, and there is no room for us to miss each other.我喜欢你,来自左肩,靠近心脏。

4、You either have moneywith security, or have love with happiness in your life.最后还是忍不住找你 ,用晚安代替我真的想你。

5、From then on put down melodramatic and loneliness and hide my heart,live a drift life,dissolute and free.有时候,在安全距离爱一个人,更简单,更好。

6、You left in peace, and left me in pieces.反正人和人,都是在改变中告别的,我不遗憾,但更期待圆满。

7、Life is so long, only you are the most perfect given.很神奇,第一次的心碎会大大改观你对之后每段关系的看法。

8、They say that time changes things,but you actually have to change them yourself.When you change, everything else changes.晚安心语,你安然离去,我碎了一地。


10、Sometimes it is easier and better for us to love someone from a safe distance.



12、My love is kept for you from the first sight to the end of life.不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。

13、All my life,It’s easier to meet people who are nice to you,It’s hard to meet someone who’s always been there for you.我爱你始于初见,止于终老。

14、Believe it or not. There”s somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you.从此放下矫情和孤独,把真心藏好,过漂泊的日子,浪荡而自由。

15、It’s amazing how the first heartbreak changes your outlook on every relationship after that.用最真实的自己,才能遇见最合适的那个人。



17、I like you, from the left shoulder, close to the heart.人这一辈子,遇见对你好的人比较容易,可遇见始终待你如初的人很难。

18、Anyway,people and people are all to say good – bye in the change,I”m not sorry, but I”m looking forward to completeness.晚安心语英文句子,有时候我想消失,只是想知道会不会有人想我。

19、Sometimes I want to disappear just to see if anyone would miss me.

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