
⑴ 这些绿色的短裤多少钱3o美元英语

How much are these green shorts?
thirty US dollars.


⑵ 这些绿色的短裤售价25元.用英语怎么说

你好,楼主,很高兴为您回答问题!翻译:These green short pants sell 25 yuan.

⑶ 你这条绿色的新短裤多少钱英语

much is shorts. is cost shorts

⑷ 这些裤子的价格是多少的英文是什么(不用how mach)

What’s the price of the trouse?

⑸ 这绿色短裤大削价,每条25元英语怎么说

This green short pants is on sale.The price is 25 yuan each.

⑹ 这条裤子多少元英语怎么说(四种)

How much is this pair of trousers?What’s the price of this pair of trousers?How much does this pair of trousers cost?How much do you pay for this pair of trousers?亲:每天都开心V_V!thanks!

⑺ 你这条绿色的新裤子多少钱(用英语翻译)

how much are your new green trousers?

⑻ 这些裤子多少钱用英语翻译,再分别用两种方法来表示

How much are these trousers
what is the price of the trousers

⑼ 这条裤子多少钱用英语怎么说三种说法

How much is this pair of trousers?
What’s the price of this pair of trousers?

上一篇 2022年7月3日
下一篇 2022年7月3日
